Showing Respect Worksheet

Character Ed / SEL worksheets for Grades K-4
- printable PDF or fillable fields for remote learning

Showing Respect Worksheet for SEL / Character Education

Showing Respect


Students write or type examples of how someone can show respect for people, places and things.

Grade Level


Character / SEL Topics

  • Respect, Empathy
  • Social Awareness, Social Skills
  • Self Management
  • Positive interpersonal relationships

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Showing Respect Worksheet

This worksheet works well with our What is Respect Presentation or What is Respect Lesson Plan.


Explain Respect

To explain more about respect, see the Respect Presentation or What is Respect lesson plan.

Presentation on Respect for kids

Examples of Respect for People

  • Considering others' needs and feelings
  • LIstening and talking when it's your turn
  • Being polite, using manners
  • Accepting differences, disagreeing with kindness
  • Posting online with care

Write or type examples of how to show respect

The worksheet can be printed, or posted online (includes fillable fields that students can type in.)
Using the examples from the Presentation or Lesson Plan, students write or type examples of how to show respect for people, places things.