Respect in Friendship Worksheet

Character Ed / SEL worksheet for grades K-4
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Respect in Friendship Worksheet -  social skills / character ed worksheet

Activity on Respect, Friendship Social Skills


Children learn how to identify their own motivations and treat others with respect, even when they are having friendship troubles.

Grade Level

K - 4

Character / SEL Topics

  • Social awareness / social skills
  • Positive relationships
  • Traits: Empathy, Respect, Kindness / Caring, Perseverance

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Respect in Friendship Worksheet

Also see a full lesson plan for this worksheet


This activity is based on the book, "Be Bigger"" in which a wise old tree teaches a young girl to think about why she is about to be unkind to her friend. The tree helps the girl see that even when feelings are hurt, friends treat each other with kindness and respect. The story also includes lessons on doing the right thing (in this case, talking out issues with a friend) even when it's difficult or uncomfortable.

For each scenario in the worksheet, students choose what the "right" action is, i.e.the action that shows respect and caring, and helps them reach their goal of working out their troubles.

See a full lesson plan for this worksheet.